Sundae delivers high profile press and publicity campaigns, creating a bespoke mix of broadcast, print, digital and social for each project. We look to the mainstream channels and beyond, devising multi-layered strategies that effectively reach all audiences.

We also specialise in peer to peer and influencer marketing, understanding that for some projects, opinion formers need to talk directly to the audience.

We work with global brandsinternational broadcasters and independent creative businesses.


Grassroots music venues are the lifeblood of our music industry. Without them, would we have our favourite bands, or core memories? Would the UK have its international renown? The GMV crisis is worsening, and we are losing venues at an unprecedented rate, so it’s vital that we come together to support change. We’ve had the […]


Not to be missed! The Irish Nation, a collection of Irish iconography by renowned mosaic artist Mark Kennedy including works featuring George Best, Oscar Wilde, Sinead O’Connor and Shane McGowan, is being exhibited now in cultural and creative venues throughout Manchester City Centre and will be on display ’til 31st March 2024. Commissioned by Irish […]